Blain20 Beginner
Joined: 27 Aug 2010 Posts: 25
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:08 am
Request: ^ ignore prompt |
Currently, I'm issuing an empty #SAY to put all new text on the next line after a prompt. What I'd rather do, is let the ^ pattern character ignore the prompt in determining if the text is at the beginning or not. Is this at all possible somehow? Perhaps a prompt trigger can call a command to reset the column count to 0 for subsequent triggers.
If this is already possible, please let me know. ;)
Just a thought. |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4715 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:42 am |
It is possible. There are a few ways to go about this.
I assume you have your commands echoing to the screen? often turning that off can help.
Alternatively, make a trigger to match your prompt and replace it with nothing.
#SUB {} |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Blain20 Beginner
Joined: 27 Aug 2010 Posts: 25
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:01 am |
Making input move to the next line works for normal MUD operation. Replacing the prompt also would work. However, each comes with its own price. ;) I'm a Wizard, and I need my ed prompt to stay as it is, but if I receive a tell while in ed, the tell isn't at the beginning of the line. Not forcing the trigger to work only at the beginning of a line causes CMUD to churn on every bit of output and actually locks the client up on non-tell output. So somehow allowing ^ to ignore a prompt seems to be my best bet.
Blain20 Beginner
Joined: 27 Aug 2010 Posts: 25
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:20 am |
Oh, and hello from Mobile, Shalimar. =)
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:18 pm |
No, there isn't any way to change the behavior of ^. The best you can do is change your triggers to allow for an optional prompt at the beginning, or change the output so it never has a prompt at the beginning, as you have already figured out.
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:11 pm |
If your game doesn't allow you to customize the prompt in such a way that you can end with a carriage return (in Aardwolf, this is represented by %c as a prompt command option), you should be able to sub your prompt so that it ends in one. If you give it a priority of 1, I think all further triggers will use the subbed line instead of the original.
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
rozdwojeniejazni Wanderer
Joined: 13 Aug 2011 Posts: 74
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:05 pm |
MattLofton: Better than the sub would be:
Code: |
<trigger priority="1" newline="false" prompt="true" id="38">
<pattern>^<Your prompt here> </pattern>
<value>#SAYADD %char(13)</value>
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4715 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:59 am |
My question here would be...
Do you really need to see that prompt? And if so, why?
You claim to need it, but without a reason I really have to doubt why anyone ever needs a visible prompt in this day and age.
Also, as you are a wizard... why not just edit the prompt itself server side to provide it own carriage return? |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Blain20 Beginner
Joined: 27 Aug 2010 Posts: 25
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:45 pm |
The line numbering prompt isn't a prompt, I realized after doing some testing. The ed prompt I was thinking of is "^:$" verbatim and I suppose I'll have to sub that. It'll make editing a little funky, but at least I won't be having to parse out numbers. Those only show up between prompts, and I was thinking they were part of the prompt for some silly reason. Thanks for your help, guys. I will be adjusting my prompt triggers to the highest priority because I've been having an occasional prompt be ignored. ;) Thanks!
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:08 pm |
Blain20 wrote: |
I will be adjusting my prompt triggers to the highest priority because I've been having an occasional prompt be ignored. |
Keep in mind that triggers with lower priorities fire first, not triggers with higher priorities. |
Blain20 Beginner
Joined: 27 Aug 2010 Posts: 25
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:19 pm |
Ah, yes. My programmer brain considered 1 as highest. ;)