The Raven Magician
Joined: 13 Oct 2000 Posts: 463
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:16 am
Mapping with #TAGs |
I'm #TAGging, subbing, and gagging like crazy to get the automapper to work for me, and it's just not coming out well. I've modified the output so it looks like this:
Room Name.
The exits are blah blah.
Description is gagged completely (displayed in another window though). The Name and Exits are #TAGged as 'name' and 'exitpara' respectively. But when I 'Reconfigure' the mapper and move, it does NOT FIND THE ROOM NAME!? That makes no sense. I *know* via debugging that the room is being tagged. How can it miss that?
Code: |
#TAG {name};
#WINDOW Debug {Name (%line)} |
Debugging like this clearly shows that the right lines are being tagged, and no false lines are being improperly tagged. The output is as simple as I can possibly make it... no description, just name and exits. But when I attempt to reconfigure, it does not find the room name. Can anyone offer possible reasons as to why? |
The Raven Magician
Joined: 13 Oct 2000 Posts: 463
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:39 pm |
Just as a further note, some more testing has come up with some confusing results. For example, in mapping mode the mapper created a room with the name '{%line}'.
This appears to be a blatant failure of the parser (which should be stripping the {} around the parameter)... am I wrong? It's not expanding or parsing the parameter passed to the #TAG command at ALL. |
Larkin Wizard

Joined: 25 Mar 2003 Posts: 1113 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:06 pm |
What most folks do is capture the room name, exits, etc into variables, clean them up as needed, and then tag the variables.
#VAR roomname {Room Name.}
#VAR roomexits {blah blah.}
#TAG Name @roomname
#TAG Exit @roomexits |
mr_kent Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 698
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:20 pm |
Sounds to me like you might be making it harder than it should be.
May I ask what mud this would be? |
Insomniac Wanderer
Joined: 25 Mar 2004 Posts: 78 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:46 am |
As mr_kent says, what Mud is this for.. and can you supply some output for a typical room or two?
Amylon Novice
Joined: 31 Jan 2003 Posts: 49 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:22 am |
Zmud Mapper is the bane of alot of us :)
Like they have said give us some output to work with and Im sure with some convoluted script work we can get it to work. |
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:16 pm |
Sorry to hog someone else's posts, but I'm mapping a new-ish MUD Akanbar, and I've looked through all of the Achaea/Aetolia posts and I can't seem to find the right one, or at least, ones with scripts that could really help me. I get a little confused/put off by the fact that it seems that one of the MUDs I named has a system of symbols for a map, but the output of the MUD I play is like this:
Northeast of the Victory Square
Standing near the northeastern edge of the Victory Square you cannot help but
feel daunted by the great black wall that looms over you, its surface
unbroken save by a single gateway that leads into an alley to the northeast.
Peering into the alley you can see that like so many of the streets that make
up Golgonath the houses and shops that line it overhang somewhat, all but
obscuring the sky overhead and keeping the street in a perpetual state of
gloom. You can progress northeast, southeast, south, southwest, west and
560/560h 50/70m >
Configuring it with the autoconfig doesn't work because there are times that directions (northeast, east, north, etc.) are in the description and that throws it off entirely!
Any help would be much appreciated. |
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:52 am |
Hrmm... Seems I can't quite figure out how to delete a post. Sorry folks!
Edit:: I don't mean delete the one I need help with, I meant delete this one. Heh. I hope that's the reason no one's advised me on what to do! :) |
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:26 am |
I'm sorry to bump this again, but the two gurus I know passed right over it. I think, though, it was my mistake above that made it seem like I figured it out. Geez, they have too much faith in me. ::grins::
mr_kent Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 698
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:38 am |
If you are able, post two room description examples each for when the exits are on their own line and also when they are in the description paragraph. If you can post the scroll of movement between rooms, that should help as well. You haven't really provided enough information for someone to give you definitive help.
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:16 pm |
Oops! I am SO sorry I Didn't post enough information, I had no idea! Thank you so much Mr_Kent! Here are a handful of random rooms:
Road beside the River Marin
A light crystal shows your way.
Following the banks of the River Marin, this wide road links the town square
to the river docks, and the source of much of Marinfords wealth. Passing
along the river to the west is an almost constant stream of boats, bringing
in many of the materials that the towns wealth is built on, as well as
carrying produce away to many distant markets. To the north you can see the
docks themselves, lying along the riverbank, filled near to capacity with
river boats loading and unloading their cargo. You can progress north and
The central crossroads
A light crystal shows your way.
You are standing at what many view as the major intersection of Akanbar, the
point where all roads eventually meet, and the nexus of trade across the
continent. Roads lead away to the north, south, east and west, stretching
beyond your vision. Fortunately, some kind soul has realised that this makes
it difficult to tell where these roads lead, and has fixed a wooden signpost
at the southeast of the road detailing each roads destination. Diagonally
across the intersection from the signpost stands a three storey building, a
sign above the door proclaiming it as The Phoenix Folly Inn, the lights
shining through the windows giving it a particularly welcoming look this far
from civilisation. A giant roc is here. You can progress north, northeast,
east, south, west and northwest (an open door).
Deep in the forest of Ysallyra
A light crystal shows your way.
You are nearing the eastern edge of the forest of Ysallyra here, the mountains
at which it terminates occasionally visible through the trees. Even the
ground is beginning to grow more mountainous and broken, with a small cliff
face emerging from the trees to your northwest. You could not follow the
cliff face itself though, since the trees near its base are too densely
packed. Were you to continue to the southwest however, you may begin to
approach it again, although you cannot be sure of that from here. You can
progress east, southwest and northwest.
It's always pretty much that way, the exits are at the end of the description paragraph. I'm not 100% sure if this will help, as I'm not sure that's what you wanted, but if not let me know and I'd be more than glad to offer more descriptions.
As it is, thank you so much, everyone, for dealing with my newbishness.
Curlay |
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:06 am |
Bump! :)
nexela Wizard

Joined: 15 Jan 2002 Posts: 1644 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:20 pm |
A few questions
1. Are the exits colored differantly from other text? The room name? The desc?
2. Is it really neccesary to tag? Maybe just a few simple mapper config changes will work?
3. mr_kent also asked for this: If you can post the scroll of movement between rooms, that should help as well
4. Is this line always there or does it change if so to what? A light crystal shows your way
5. Why the need to hog someone elses post? (This is usually a cause of a post not getting looked at) Next time start yer own :P
So paste some output of you walking between a few rooms between a set of [ code ] tags |
Curlay Beginner
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 27 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:30 am |
LOL, First and Foremost I'd like to apologize for post-hogging, I guess I thought I Was saving people from spamming a new thread on and old topic ::Chuckles::
1) Yes, they are different colors, The room name, if there is someone in it, if there is an NPC in it, but the exits are the same color as the description.
For example:
Upon the River Marin
Interrupting the river's course here is a large rocky outcrop, clearly
sufficiently sturdy to have survived the water pounding against it over the
years, forcing it to take a southeasterly course around the edge of the
outcrop before resuming an easterly course. Staring upwards you can just make
out some form of structure atop the rocks, but there is no way you could
reach it from here. A red elephant is here. Pokey Joe is here. You can
progress southeast and west.
Upon the River Marin is brownish. A red elephant is here is purpleish. Poke Joe is here is greyish, and everything else is greenish.
2) I have tried a horrendous number of mapper config changes, but honestly, it's like shooting in the dark. I have read the accomodating helpfiles, but I just can't seem to get the right 'fix'.
3) north
Road near the crossroads
Lying just to the south of a wide crossroads, this road begins its journey
southwards here, working its way ever closer to the southern coast. You
cannot help but notice how quiet this direction is in comparison to the other
roads you can see leading away from the highway, only a few travellers making
their way along it. The road surface itself is well maintained however, its
cobbled surface completely free of weeds. You can progress north and south.
Pokey Joe follows you.
840/840h 105/105m > north
The central crossroads
You are standing at what many view as the major intersection of Akanbar, the
point where all roads eventually meet, and the nexus of trade across the
continent. Roads lead away to the north, south, east and west, stretching
beyond your vision. Fortunately, some kind soul has realised that this makes
it difficult to tell where these roads lead, and has fixed a wooden signpost
at the southeast of the road detailing each roads destination. Diagonally
across the intersection from the signpost stands a three storey building, a
sign above the door proclaiming it as The Phoenix Folly Inn, the lights
shining through the windows giving it a particularly welcoming look this far
from civilisation. A huge crystal ball is here. You can progress north,
northeast, east, south, west and northwest (an open door).
Pokey Joe follows you.
Is that what you're looking for? I apologize, I misunderstood what he was looking for. Thank you!
4) It's not always there, if it's not there, then it's just not there, no change in anything else. It's there if it's night-time not there during the day. :)
I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm not sure what [ code ] tags are! Thank you, Nexela![/code] |
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