General_Jah Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2010 Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:19 pm
What are the work around options for using ":" to issue commands to all windows? |
I used to use zmud years ago and recently installed cmud. So far I'm a bit disappointed with the interface and the fact so many of the commands are different.
I multi play on tdome.net with 3 toons and using the #all command is a huge hassle. I miss and loved the ":" command of old zmud. I am not a scripting expert and ive tried to create an alias that would allow me to use the : command inplace of #all but can't seem to figure it out. I've searched the forums but have not found a good thread on this.
I was hoping some of the resident experts could suggest some work arounds for me.
thanks |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:55 pm |
Quote: |
So far I'm a bit disappointed with the interface and the fact so many of the commands are different.
No offense, but this is just whining. Give it a serious chance and I can guarantee you'll about kick yourself for not making the change sooner.
Quote: |
I multi play on tdome.net with 3 toons and using the #all command is a huge hassle. I miss and loved the ":" command of old zmud. I am not a scripting expert and ive tried to create an alias that would allow me to use the : command inplace of #all but can't seem to figure it out. I've searched the forums but have not found a good thread on this.
#ALL is the best you can do. : didn't make it into CMud, so :command and :windowname:command no longer work (but windowname:command does, albeit that's been deprecated in favor of the much more useful #EXECWIN command.) You COULD write an alias, but that alias is just going to be using #window multiple times so why bother when there's the #ALL command?
Beyond that, is there anything special about what you want to send to all windows? You could build an #oninput trigger that then #RAISEs an event. You would then create that event in each window, and all three would fire at once from that one #RAISE. |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
General_Jah Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2010 Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:37 pm |
Well thanks for the response but I definitely don't consider my opinion on the new design whining. Just because I think the interface is not that great and I dislike having to learn a new command structure doesn't make it whining. In fact if I were Zugg I would appreciate the feedback because believe me other people feel the same and it will end up costing him money. Anyway I didn't come here to flame I'm just trying to learn if I can live with the software before I purchase it.
I didn't quite follow your last suggestion with the events etc.
That's a real shame there is no alternative. As was stated in another post trying to type #all while in the middle of combat or a sticky situation with deathtraps near etc can be a huge hassle. I thought I read somewhere on the forums there was a way to make an alias for #all and you could do something like #alias all {#all} but I can't seem to get that to work?
thanks |
ralgith Sorcerer
Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 715
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:53 pm |
Dang, I've not used CMUD enough to have realized the :win-name: syntax is gone.
Don't even try telling me #EXECWIN is better. Screw that, in combat when seconds count you need to be able to type as little as possible. Which is usually :s: or :r: for me. Since I have my Window Names the same as the Character they control and I just use the first letter of their name.
Pretty much a deal buster for me. I need speed, and #EXECWIN is NOT is.
Which is sad since someone bought me a CMUD license as a gift. |
CrossOver: Windows Compatibility on Mac and Linux CMUD Advocate |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:04 am |
The :windowname: syntax was *not* removed from CMUD. You can still do stuff like:
:windowname:#PRINT test
and it will work properly. The problem is when trying to send normal text like this:
:windowname:hello world
if "windowname" does not have a network connection. If "windowname" does not have it's own network connection, then CMUD detects this and sends the command to the MUD in the main MUD window instead of sending it to the other window. So you cannot use this syntax anymore to display text to another window. Use the "#WINDOW name text" command for that, or use "windowname:#PRINT text".
What the original poster was trying to use was an old shortcut for sending a command to *all* windows. In old versions of zMUD you could use :text to send text to all windows, or you could use *: and :*:. None of these work in CMUD and you should use the #ALL command to send something to all windows instead.
But the :winname: syntax is NOT GONE, so let's not start bad rumors here.
You *can* create an alias for #ALL. But you need to enable the "Append parameters" option for the alias as explained in the Changes for zMUD users article about aliases in CMUD.
Sorry you don't like the interface of CMUD. The vast majority of CMUD users prefer it greatly to zMUD. But you can start a new post to explain exactly what about the "interface" you don't like. Without specifics, there isn't much I can do to address your concern. |
General_Jah Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2010 Posts: 6
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:56 am |
Hey Zugg,
specifically what I dislike about the new cmud interface is how the menu system is setup when trying to add/create things like macros, aliases, etc I find it very confusing to try and create new ones through it. I have been using the action menu because I have not figured out how to create new ones through it. The other is I'm still very confused on how cmud handles different characters. I remember the old zmud interface was real easy for me to figure out. I could import a file from another character into a new one and it just seemed real simple. With cmud I'm not real sure on how to get it to work. I'm sure it's user error but I'm having a hard time keeping my aliases etc saved. I am just having a difficult time getting my different toons setup. I have gone in through and made sure my toons are all on the same package file but for some reason when I logged in just now all my aliases I made are gone.
I realize that may not be very specific but I just remember picking zmud up in no time but I'm struggling with cmud. |
ralgith Sorcerer
Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 715
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:02 am |
/me heaves a big sigh of relief.
Thanks for clearing that up Zugg. I was in panic mode there for a minute!!
I can live without the :command syntax... after all I could easily create an alias for that. Needing an alias for every single window would be annoying though. :) |
CrossOver: Windows Compatibility on Mac and Linux CMUD Advocate |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:18 am |
The Package Editor in CMUD is *very* similar to the Settings Editor in zMUD. The main difference is that the settings and class folders are shown in a tree-view on the left (like Folders in Windows Explorer) with the edit panel on the right instead of at the bottom.
Adding a new setting in CMUD is the same as in zMUD...there is a dropdown menu next to the "New" button in the toolbar in the settings editor. Click this dropdown menu and select the type of setting to create. If you open the settings editor via one of the specific toolbar buttons (like Aliases), then just clicking the New button will create a new Alias without needing to use the dropdown menu.
So I'm not sure why you are having trouble with the CMUD settings editor. It's almost identical to the zMUD editor except it's arranged horizontally instead of vertically (and you can even change that in CMUD too if you want by customizing the settings editor layout).
As far as multiple characters, again, it's really the same as in zMUD. Each icon in the Session screen corresponds to a character window. Each session icon has it's settings stored in a *.PKG file (similar to the *.MUD file in zMUD). In CMUD you can also create shared packages, which zMUD didn't support.
If you are having trouble saving your aliases, then something serious is wrong. Settings in CMUD are saved automatically. Be sure you installed CMUD to save your sessions into the %DOCUMENTS% folder (My Documents\My Games\CMUD by default). Do NOT try to store your session files in the Program Files directory. Windows 7/Vista will not allow that.
Your toons should not share the same package file. Each toon should have it's *own* Primary package file. If you have scripts you want to share between toons, save those scripts to a separate shared package and then add the shared package to the list of packages loaded for each toon in it's Edit Session/Package Files screen.
But again, this is the same as in zMUD. In zMUD if you had multiple toons each using the same *.MUD file, then you'd have the same problem with settings getting lost and overwritten. As with zMUD, the last toon to close it's window "wins" and saves it's settings to it's *.PKG file.
Just give it time and be patient. Be sure to read the Changes for zMUD users topic. Like any new program, it takes some time to learn the new features. CMUD is NOT zMUD. CMUD is NOT an upgrade to zMUD. CMUD is a completely separate program written from scratch to be as compatible as possible with zMUD while changing the underlying architecture in ways to allow features that were not possible in zMUD. |
General_Jah Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2010 Posts: 6
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:45 am |
Thanks for the feedback Zugg, I've been trying to create a new package which I did but the problem I am running into now is the new package I created is not overriding some of the macros I had setup in the original package file.
What do you suggest I do to make sure the package file I created overrides the other? |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:32 am |
CMUD will always look in the current session package first when looking for any script, macro, etc. So first make sure the macros don't exist in your main session file. Or disable them in your session package so CMUD will look for them in external packages. Next, go to the Edit Session action from the main Sessions list and then to the Package Files tab. Move your package up or down to change the order packages are loaded. Packages loaded later will override earlier packages.
Also, in your shared package, be sure the macro is placed within a *module* that is marked as Global. Only Global Modules are searched by your session windows if they are in a different package file. |
Vallick Beginner
Joined: 18 Dec 2021 Posts: 11 Location: North Idaho
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:51 pm Alias for window Commands |
OK, So really rusty at this.
I have a set up where in window 1, I want to send a command to window 5. due to keyboard on my laptop, I make lest typo's with a alias to send the command then I do using :5: Let's call the alias Val
For the life of me this morning I can't figure it out.
If I wanted to type in window 1 "val drink all.skin" instead of :5: drink all.skin I would want the command to output in window 5 drink all.skin
Makes sense?
Tried alias:
Val (%W)
:5: %1
Ya that doesn't work. any help?
Appreciate you. |
Vallick Beginner
Joined: 18 Dec 2021 Posts: 11 Location: North Idaho
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:53 pm |
Resolved, in this example
Alias Val
Window name was zzSecondary |