dimitri5 Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2020 Posts: 5 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:28 pm
Updating Map Location |
Hi, Shalimar, I too am not a programmer. I play on Aardwolf. Many years ago I was given an amazing script that when I type the alias "rud" my character's location is updated in my maps. I have a new computer and have transferred the script, but it isn't updating my location. Do you think this is something you could help me with?
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:15 pm |
Assuming you have everything on your map, the #FIND command should do that.
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
dimitri5 Newbie
Joined: 26 Jul 2020 Posts: 5 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:33 pm |
Here is the full script. Remember, it's like hieroglyphics to me. And maybe it isn't even the script. Maybe is just some stupid setting. I just don't know why it works on my old computer and not my new one.
#CLASS {MapSearch}
#ALIAS rud {#if %null( %1) {
#T+ "Find Me"
} {~where %-1}}
#VAR MapChar {Virion}
#VAR MQF_Zroom6 {%mapquery( %concat( "[ZoneId] = ", %1, " AND ([Name] LIKE '", "%2", "' OR [Name] LIKE '", "%2", " (G)' OR [Name] LIKE '", "%2", " [[]**> PK <**[]]')"))}
#CLASS {MapSearch|Mapper} {enable|setdef}
#ALIAS searchroom {
#if %null( %1) {
#say No Input Entered, All Processes Aborted
#ab 1
#addkey misc roomList %mapquery( Name Like '%%%replace( %-1, "'", "''")%')
#ALIAS fdr {findroom %1}
#ALIAS sr {searchroom %1}
#addkey misc rrunvnum %1
#exec %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %walk( %1), ".", "run "), "(", ";"), ")", ";run "), "run ;", ""), "maze;", "maze ")
#0 {#exec %subregex( %subregex( %walk( %1), "([(.;]|maze)", ""), "[)]", ";run ")}
#te %1
#ALIAS Run {
~run %1
#FORALL %pathexpand( %1) {#MOVE %i}
#ALIAS findroom {
#addkey misc roomList %mapquery( Name Like '%%%replace( %-1, "'", "''")%' AND ZoneID Like %roomzone)
#if %null( %1) {
#say No Input Entered~, All Processes Aborted
#ab 1
#ALIAS ChooseRoom {rrun %item( @misc.roomList, %1)}
#ALIAS LoopRoomDisplay {
#if @misc.roomlist=%null {#say No Matches Found%if( !%null( %1), " for "%1)} {
#if %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>152 {
#say %repat( "-", 90)
#loop 1,152 {#say %ansi( hi, red)%if( %len( %i)=1 & %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>=10, " ")%i~) %ansi( grey)%roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))%repeat( " ", %eval( 50-%len( %roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))))%ansi( white)%zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))%repeat( " ", %eval( 30-%len( %zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))))))%replace( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i), %-1, "")}
#say %repeat( "-", 90)
#say More than 152 matches found)
} {
#say %repeat( "-", 90)
#loop %numitems( @misc.roomlist) {#say %ansi( hi, red)%if( %len( %i)=1 & %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>=10, " ")%i~) %ansi( grey)%roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))%repeat( " ", %eval( 50-%len( %roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))))%ansi( white)%zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))%repeat( " ", %eval( 30-%len( %zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))))))%replace( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i), %-1, "")}
#say %repeat( "-", 90)
#KEY F1 {chooseroom 1}
#KEY F2 {chooseroom 2}
#KEY F3 {chooseroom 3}
#KEY F4 {chooseroom 4}
#KEY F5 {chooseroom 5}
#KEY F6 {chooseroom 6}
#KEY F7 {chooseroom 7}
#KEY F8 {chooseroom 8}
#KEY F9 {chooseroom 9}
#KEY F10 {chooseroom 10}
#KEY F11 {chooseroom 11}
#KEY F12 {chooseroom 12}
#KEY SHIFT-F1 {chooseroom 13}
#KEY SHIFT-F2 {chooseroom 14}
#KEY SHIFT-F3 {chooseroom 15}
#KEY SHIFT-F4 {chooseroom 16}
#KEY SHIFT-F5 {chooseroom 17}
#KEY SHIFT-F6 {chooseroom 18}
#KEY SHIFT-F7 {chooseroom 19}
#KEY SHIFT-F8 {chooseroom 20}
#KEY SHIFT-F9 {chooseroom 21}
#KEY SHIFT-F10 {chooseroom 22}
#KEY SHIFT-F11 {chooseroom 23}
#KEY SHIFT-F12 {chooseroom 24}
#CLASS 0 |
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