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Home -> Downloads -> zMUD Files -> Free zMUD (v3.62) Unsupported

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File - Free zMUD (v3.62) Unsupported
Description: A very old version of zMUD that is FREE. Works under Windows 3.x. Does not contain the mapper or any other feature added in the last two years. This version is not supported. This version of zMUD DOES NOT WORK ON WINDOWS XP. No free version is available for Windows XP or later.
Submited by: Zugg
Author: Zugg
Version: 3.62
Last Updated: Sun Sep 01, 1996 6:00 am
Last Download: Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:33 pm
Rating: 7 / 10 (1 Votes)
Downloads: 723482
File Size: 524k
Price: FREE
Author Comments
Erik Wanberg
Pathetic Newbie

Joined: 09 Jul 2019
Posts: 1
Location: Mill Valley

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:26 am    Comment subject: Free Zmud

I havn't check this one out yet.

I hear that zmud is good, so this has to be something.
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