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File - TrayWindows
Description: Tray Windows is a plugin for zMUD that will remove zMUD from the Windows taskbar when zMUD is minimized (handy for keeping your taskbar clutter free) and provide tray icons for each open character window. Each tray icon can be customized with its own icon and the icon can be set to blink whenever a command is received (usually via a trigger) from zMUD to indicate that something important has happened. Each icon also provides a window with a small history of text that has been received in the associated character window.
Submited by: Zugg
Author: Zor
Version: 1.1
Last Updated: Sun Apr 23, 2000 6:00 am
Last Download: Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:43 pm
Rating: Not Rated (0 Votes)
Downloads: 13715
File Size: 331k
Price: FREE
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