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  File Date Downloads Rating  
CMUD v3 
Chiara's MUD Client (v3.34)
20-Apr-11 116039 7.33 / 10 Screenshot
CMUD Pro v3 
Chiara's MUD Client (v3.34 Pro version)
18-Jul-11 17146 9 / 10 Screenshot
TeSSH (Telnet/SSH client) v3.34
20-Apr-11 666 10 / 10  
Map Conversion 
Convert between zMUD and CMUD maps (v1.3)
11-May-10 1303 10 / 10  
CMUD v2 
Chiara's MUD Client (old v2.37)
18-Jul-11 99933 8.67 / 10 Screenshot
CMUD Pro v2 
Chiara's MUD Client (old v2.37 Pro version)
18-Jul-11 6862 7.67 / 10 Screenshot
MUD Client
16-Jan-08 375890 9.67 / 10 Screenshot
Translation Utility 
A utility program written by Rorso/Varmel to help create translations for zMUD.
4-Nov-04 1637 9.5 / 10  
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