4.62 9-Jun-97
(last 16-bit version) |
- !!MUSIC(off) and !!SOUND(off) now work
- fixed error message about "cannot open xxx.mud file" when
using connection wizard
- map files saved to proper directory for new characters
- fixed settings files that take a long time to save (just read into
4.62 and resave to fix/shrink files)
- fixed access violation on exit when DDE functions or URL command used
- Fixed %dde function
- Fixed access violation in %ddeopen and %ddeclose functions
- gagged lines no longer trigger activity light in window tab
- no longer freezes when splitbar dragged to top
- properly updates screen after splitbar dragged to bottom
- fixed problem with displaying large fonts on a non-black background
(same with status window)
- status window loads proper font and color when #STW command is used
- Ctrl-Z after using Find works.
- <ESC> key closes Find dialog
- Startup window can now be closed when opened from Help menu
- Can now change Movement character properly from default
- Fixed problem with Bold Fonts not displaying
- Autolog triggers and atconnect alias now properly expand variables
- Exclamation point ! at end of lines no longer causes crash
- Fixed access violation when moving after using a teleport portal in
- Mapper no longer sets "Reload" flag when linking to an
existing map file (only when linking to template)
(BETA) |
- Settings for child windows now searched for in zmud root also
- fixed missing line problem when using vt100 emulation cursor movement
- Fixed bug in ESC [ A cursor movement
- Fixed problem with clearing screen messing up scrolling region
- Fixed problem with Window/Empty not properly refreshing
- Sound list in MSP settings dialog now displayed properly
- Save Zone in mapper now saves in proper directory when using
directory hierarchy
- Volume of WAVE and MIDI devices now saved and restored
- Volume of MSP sounds now relative to max volume set for WAVE and MIDI
devices in volume control
- PgDn/PgUp in editor now work properly
- Moving multiple character MUD files to new directory structure now
4.60 28-May-97
(BETA) |
- Added MUD Sound Protocol (MSP) support
- fixed macros with ~ at beginning so they only append when there is a
space in the command line
- fixed problem with various VT100 codes (like cursor position, and
clear screen) when buffer was full
- fixed problem with MUDs that send CR NULL ESC [0m CR LF (namely,
- Tab Stops now align properly
- fixed "bleeding" of text background color to edge of screen
- Select All in editor now properly highlights
- row,col in editor now start at 1,1 instead of 0,0
- ESC [0;0r should now reset scrolling region properly
- Removed line length limit for pasting into editor
- implemented hierarchical settings directory structure
- now allows _ in words for double-right click selection
4.58 4-May-97 |
- Fixed problems with prompt line repeating
- Fixed problem with repeating lines during looping commands in
- Fixed problem with screen clearing on reconnect
- Fixed %ansi in status window
- #CAP 0 properly ends capture when blank line received
- Window tabs no longer get messed up when a window is closed
- Copy Alias and New Alias not longer give "duplicate node"
- Now handles missing/null button numbers
- Print buffer in editor properly prints entire buffer rather than just
- Blank character name no longer sent in response to autolog triggers
- Enter selects Reconnect, and Esc select Abort buttons when
- Selecting text with mouse properly freezes screen while mouse button
is held down to prevent scrolling
- #prompt with undefined variable works properly
- Blinking text properly doesn't scroll in scrollback
- Highlighting a blank line highlights entire line on screen
- Scrolling highlighted lines displays properly
- Change of directory in editor no longer effects settings directory
4.57 27-Apr-97 |
- Plugged many many memory leaks thanks to a new debugger
- Fixed GPF with VT100 clearscreen
- Fixed problems with #YESNO and added Cancel button to dialog
- Fixed several GPFs caused when exiting zMUD
- ANSI sequences are no longer broken by user commands
- Fixed several problems with window: and :window: commands
- Now looks for ZMUD.DAT in the same directory as ZMUD.EXE rather than
current directory
- ~ at beginning of macros appends macro to command line and sends
resulting command
- Added support for Blink, Underline, Reverse Video ANSI attributes
- Added screen to Color dialog to change mapping of new ANSI attributes
- Fixed ANSI routines so that change in background color doesn't go to
end of line, unless using CLR EOL or #COLOR commands
- Fixed font used in Editor window
- Fixed GPF with clear-to-end-of-screen VT100 code
- Ctrl-F now acts as Find Again key when Find dialog is already open
- When reconnecting, any leftover VT100 scrolling region is cleared
- Position of screen splitbar saved properly
- Used Boyer-Moore search algorithm to speed up trigger processing
- Used hash table to speed up variable and alias expansion
- Optimized proportional fonts so they are as fast as fixed fonts
4.56 20-Apr-97 |
- Now handling screen updates and network transmit/receive in a more
standard "windows" way to prevent dropped lines
- Implemented formal command queue so that commands sent are not sent
in the wrong order
- Added parameter to #WINDOW command to send string to window. Window
is not longer given focus
- Fixed GPF when choosing Another Char from reconnect window
- Reconnections now always occur on status bar...countdown dialog box
- Fixed #YESNO dialog so it isn't resizeable
- Added All and None buttons to Export dialog
- Escape works with #YESNO and %yesno (aborts or returns nil
- Null buttons no longer cause GPF
- Null byte at end of terminal type negotiation fixed
- Carets (^) now display properly in output
- Added option (default on) to save backup settings to .BMU file
- Added timer for autosaving log files (default 5 minutes)
- Commands entered into child windows are actually sent to primary
- Added optional number of lines to match to #SCROLL command
- #CLOSE can now close a window by specifying window name
- Various problems with colons in %pick and %yesno have been fixed
- Fixed font problems with status window
- Fixed problem with right margin wrapping
- Fixed problem with black-on-black text not displaying properly
- Plugged many memory leaks...should run better on long sessions now
4.55 13-Apr-97 |
- Fixed extra line problems on MUDs that violate telnet protocol
- zMUD now recognized NAWS telnet option (for setting window size)
- Added VT100 and ANSI terminal types to telnet option negotiation for
systems that did not recognize DEC-VT100
- Implemented internal memory management to reduce memory fragmenting
and speed up long MUD sessions
- Added %exec function
- Added #SCROLL command to recall matching lines from scroll buffer
- Added #YESNO command and %yesno function for popup buttons (see Help
file for details)
- Fixed problem with ANSI cursor positioning. Medievia opening screens
now display properly
- Removed 256 char limit from File/Read command in Editor
- Removed 256 char limit for pasting text into command line
- Fixed various problems with file logging and added Log icon to icon
status bar
- Fixed GPF when cancelling from Export/Ascii
- Fixed something;~someting
- Enter in Feedback no longer activates Send button
- Added #VERBATIM command for tintin compatibility
- Fixed problem that caused commands to execute out of order on slow
- Picklist in #PICK and %pick now autosizes to largest string
- Added p:prompt to #PICK and %pick for specifying dialog prompt
- Added o:1 to #PICK and %pick for restricting selection to one item
- A * at the beginning of a pick item selects it as default item(s) in
- Improved dynamic tab completion (Shift-Tab) to handle specifying
multiple characters to distinguish word matches and pressing Shift-Tab again expands next
match in buffer (clear back to beginning of buffer if necessary)
- Added #DEFAULT command for saving special characters and setting
- Added #NODEF to restore special characters saved by #DEFAULT
- Fixed screen flickering when using the scroll bars
- Added URLs from MUD Connector Big List to Connection Wizard
- Added emulation option for MrTerm (for Mortal Realms players)
- Punctuation no longer added to %selword
- Change in font refreshes screen properly
4.54 6-Apr-97 |
- Disappearing bottom line when clicking on MUD window fixed
- Problem with displaying bright and dim ANSI colors fixed
- Added special kludge to handle Sojourn non-standard telnet protocol
to remove double spaced lines
- Fixed improper echoing of #LOG messages to log file
- Fixed #MENU command to that it takes the same names as the commands
in the menus
- Added expanded syntax to #BUTTON so that buttons can now be Exported
as ASCII and also imported with the #READ command
- Added button to Autolog dialog to never ask for autolog info for that
character again
- Fixed problem with pasting Ascii text into Editor
- Removed extra blank line when sending text from Editor to MUD
- Added Control-P as shortcut key for Prefix string in Editor
- Fixed problem with Feedback on new zuggsoft.com site by adding SMTP
server option
- Removed 256 char limit from #READ, Import, and Export
- You can now have inherited buttons in the Inherited settings file
- Added %* wildcard pattern for triggers...matches ALL characters (even
special zMUD characters)
- #ECHO and #SAY now always display text regardless of Echo Info
- Font in status window definition box now matched font in status
- Implemented application keypad and cursor modes for vt100
4.53 30-Mar-97
(BETA version) |
- fixed more extra blank lines
- Fixed recent character pulldown on systems with large fonts
- Fixed verbatim triggers so that they still recognize ^ and $
- Fixed hanging when backspace (#8) character received
- Removed infinite loop triggering on Show Trigger messages
- Fixed problem with showing text after a #GAG
- Fixed problem with horizontal scroll bar
- Screen now momentarily frozen while mouse is selecting
- Selected text in scrollback works properly
- Multiple lines can be pasted into command line from external editors
- Fixed Divide by Zero for misformed Alarm triggers
- User defined functions now fully expand properly
- Bug in vt100 cursor movement fixed
- Various problems with cursor focus in character mode fixed
4.52 23-Mar-97
(BETA version) |
- fixed extra blank lines that were appearing
- arrow keys properly access command buffer instead of scrollback
- Proportional fonts are now handled (including word wrapping!) but
they are 3 times slower than fixed-space fonts. Bold characters also handled properly with
no loss of speed.
- Font dialog allows you to choose Editor and Status window font. Also
added vertical adjustment to make fonts like Courier New work better
- Child windows now inherit colors from main window when first created
- Added Verbatim triggers for autolog usage (turns off pattern parsing)
- Fixed problem with 'refresh' and 'vt102' commands on Mortal Realms
- Added 'Trigger on Trigger' option to allow recursive triggering (for
those that know what they are doing :)
- Tweaked welcome screen (again :) to make it work and look better
- #LOAD command now refreshes button bar
- Changing inherited triggers now works properly
- ANSI Color can now be pasted into Trigger Pattern field
- Multiple lines can be pasted into command line (cr/lf are replaced
with ;)
- Added short-cut keys to various editor commands (like close, send,
send line, etc)
- Added Auto Clear option to editor that clears window when it is
- Fixed reverse capture order
- Fixed problem with commands getting dropped sometimes after sending
text to MUD (e.g., send test;#command sometimes would not execute #command)
- Added visual indicators for parse mode, trigger mode, and alias
recording in a icon bar next to the clock (icons can be clicked to toggle status)
- Added option to not strip " quotes (just like the strip ' quote
- Put back the Expand Var option that allows variables on the command
line to be expanded (for expert users)
- Fixed focus problem with #MESS command and added an option first
numeric parameter to specify the time delay for the message box
4.51 16-Mar-97
(BETA version) |
- Added Color Triggers
- Added Multi-line triggers
- Added parameter to #GAG to specify number of lines to gag
- CAPTURE 0 window captures block of text (till next blank line)
- Triggers now match characters with ASCII values > 127 (foriegn
language characters)
- Cut/Paste now works in all dialog boxes
- Performance of keyboard and mouse during scrolling improved
- Fixed problem of not responding to mouse-up in some situations
- Fixed more problems with word-wrapping in SUB commands
- Fixed problem with #SLOW wiping out path definition
- Fixed several access violations in Speedwalk dialog
- Added help bars to the bottom of the major dialogs, and cleaned up
several dialogs to make them more standardized
- Major dialogs, mapper window, and editor window now appear in Win95
task bar
- Fixed problem with dynamic tab completion
- Added button in editor to toggle parsing of ANSI color
- Added option in General Preferences to turn off all control code
processing and display codes in screen
- Added Character Mode which sends characters to the server rather than
just entire lines
- Implemented visual cursor in MUD window when in Character Mode
- Fixed problem with parsing * and ? in some cases (#MATH x @x*3 now
- Fixed AND OR XOR
- Added AutoSave on Exit option to General Preferences
- Implemented the screen Printing functions with the new code
- Implemented the file logging functions with the new code
- Allow lines to be logged before or after triggers are processed
- Allow ANSI color to be saved in log files
- Implemented Find command with new screen code (note: #FIND mapper
command still doesnt work)
- Implemented word selection with new screen code
- Selection now properly tracks insertions and deletions in editor
- Fixed problem in alpha version with black-on-black color codes
- Fixed Feedback problems
- Fixed the lookup IP button in Character database
- %s in patterns now matches ZERO or more spaces
- added %n which matches numbers (including negative numbers). %d still
just matches digits.
- Reconnecting to a MUD resets triggers to their starting state
- %grep no longer echos its result and it now returns lines separated
with | instead of ;
- Added option to surpress the zMUD informational messages on the
- Memory usage further optimized to reduce memory fragmentation
- Relative time ALARM triggers added (use +time to trigger action after
the time expires)
- Added Trigger Class to uniqueness so that the same pattern can be
used in different classes
4.50ab Feb-97 (ALPHA versions) |
- Rewrote the entire low-level screen drawing routines to improve
performance, allowing handling of VT100 codes, and to fix many many bugs
- Rewrote the Trigger processing code to speed it up
- Rewrote the Command Buffer editor to fix lots of bugs and speed it up
- Added -last command line parameter to resume most resent session
- Added support for telnet://hostname:port/
command line parameters
- Added word-wrap indent value
- Added left margin which allows entire lines to be selected when the
mouse is clicked there
- Added a splitbar to the status bar to allow the size of the
horizontal scroll bar to be changed
- Buffer size is set by number of lines, rather than total bytes.
16-bit version limited to 16,000 lines while the 32-bit version is limited to 64,000 lines
(and available memory)
- Fixed problem with WinSock routines that could cause a hang after
receiving a large block of text
- Updated the startup window to show pulldown box of characters and
added online and offline buttons
23-Jan-97 |
- Fixed the problem with {@name} patterns in triggers
4.43 beta
20-Jan-97 |
- Fixed %word function for delimiters greater than 1 char and for words
over 10
- #BUTTON command now properly updates button appearence
- [] and {} work properly again within triggers to indicate set and or
- only @var expanded within patterns...[] is for sets and does not
indicate evaluation
- %expand(var,-2) implements parsing for trigger patterns (@var
expanded only)
- ~ now works properly within trigger patterns again
- Added option to not strip ' quotes (on by default). " quotes are
always stripped
- Fixed bugs in %delitem
- Fixed bugs in %ismember
- Added %literal function to return parameters untouched
- #VAR name "" now properly assigns a null value to the
- ; is now ignored at the beginning of the line
- #IF, #WHILE, and #UNTIL all fixed (evaluates expressions properly)
- No longer expand Command-type parameters...they expand as needed when
the commands execute
- #ERASE no longer gives access denied error
- #RESET properly resets file pointer to beginning
- #MENU command works again
- #RECORD properly saves recorded aliases
- #RENAME command implemented
- Yes No True False On Off fixed and work again
- %pick returns strings separated with | (#PICK command used ; char)
- %pick only expands the string that is picked
- #PROMPT changed so that second parameter is prompt string, and third
parameter indicates whether prompting for a password
- Changed URL for secure registration form
- < within expressions now works
- Added Work Offline button to main window
- first word in script/alias is now expanded to see if it is also an
- Generally fixed ~ in various places
- Fixed telnet option negotiation in 32-bit version again
- Macros ending in ~ no longer clear the entire line
4.42 beta
12-Jan-97 |
- No longer evaluates first word in command
- Add [] evaluation syntax
- Add <> expansion syntax
- Make parser driven by parameter types in command/function wizard
- Implement language as defined in zMUD Programming Language paper
- Blank line ends description in mapper if not followed by other parse
- Fixed problem with telnet terminal-type option negotiation
- Lines that start with . are sent properly
- Loading a settings file with Parse turned off no longer messes up
command line color
- Lines beginning with ' or " are properly handled
- Added #FUNCTION, #EVAL, and #EXPAND commands
- Added %expand function
4.41c 6-Jan-97 |
- Triggers now properly expand variables in their commands
- Aliases now properly expand variables in their commands
- #var name [expression] syntax added for immediate expression
- (a b c) now works as a list evaluation, e.g (10/5 5+1) returns 2 6
- quotes added to parameters in command wizard replaced with {}
- @ no longer required in buttons variable field
- Fixed .3s speedwalk problem
- Fixed problem with #FOR parameter not evaluating
(5-Jan-97) (abcd were beta versions) |
- Rewrote the command parser to make programming more intuitive (many
many parser changes)
- Added v4.34 compatibility for this version only
- Fixed several GPF/access violations when windows closed or zMUD
- Added button to settings dialogs to update window to show settings of
current MUD window
- Added caption to settings dialogs to show which MUD window settings
are for
- Added on/off colors to buttons
- Allow button size and position to be changed
- Added user-defineable image for buttons
- Added separator option to define blank space on button bar
- Added %btncol function to manipulate button colors
- Added %btnimage function to manipulate button image
- Fixed "component not found" error on Win 3.x systems
- Fixed corruption of vertical scrollbar
- Fixed clearline and clearscreen vt100 commands
- Fixed problem with vt100 scrolling regions
- Now allows a blank line in room description for mapper
- Reconnection in background no longer changes window focus
- Window tab bar can now be disabled
- Added detection for incompatible ZMUD.DAT file
- Added #WHILE command
- Added #UNTIL command
- Added %number function to convert strings to numbers
- Fixed problems with delimiters larger than a character in %numword
and %word
- Fixed problems with parsing () and {} within quotes
- Command recall no longer truncates to 255 characters
- Alias and Macro buttons now work in Button dialog
- %lastcom fixed
- Now uses MUD Connector list by default instead of Geiger's MUD list
- #NAME no longer corrupts character database when using Empty window
- %random(x,y) now has possibility of generating y
- In mapper, Open Zone now properly creates a new zone
- Added option to link to an existing MAP file when creating a new
- No longer crashes when current zone is deleted
- Added hourglass cursor to zone loading in mapper
- Window position saved properly when prompted to save settings
- %{1} syntax changed to %-1 (expands to first parameter plus following
- A pattern of $ now matches a blank line
- Updated MOD operator to \
- Added support for RFC1091 telnet terminal negotiation (zmud responds
as DEC-VT100)
- Added option for cleaning up scrolling when other windows on top
- The variable character (@) *must* be used to expand variables: a=@b+1
(5-Dec-96) |
- Fixed #VAR command (now supports #VAR name {commands} syntax again)
- Fixed %ends command (so %ends(Zugg,g) now returns true)
- Fixed evaluation timer
- Fixed reconnect logic so it tries more than once
(4-Dec-96) |
- Fixed #SUB command (again!) so it doesn't mess up scrolling
- Selecting window from Window menu in 16-bit version now updates
window tab bar
- You can now assign a null value to a variable: #VAR name ''
4.32 (3-Dec-96) |
- Fixed problem with not being able to close windows
- Fixed problem for new users that said evaluating zmud for 35,402 days
(2-Dec-96) |
- Changed all clBlack text in dialogs to clWindowText
- Access violation when movement character or vairable character were
- Access violation when double-clicking the output window
- Position of scrollback when using Find fixed
- Changed bitwise boolean AND, OR, XOR, NOT operations to logical
boolean operators
- Now evaluates second parameter in #VAR command
- Access violation when quitting zMUD
- Map no longer read twice when first opened
- File/Save in command buffer editor fixed
- Map background color now saved
- Changed %%1 syntax to %{1}
- Send Selected text in editor now properly sends last character
- zMUD no longer is forced to be maximized
- Quotes in trigger class now stripped with importing
- Added Cancel option to SaveAs dialog to abort quitting zMUD
- Implemented window "tab bar" to select windows and show
- Reconnection of a background window now happens in the background
with status info and buttons on the status bar
- Reconnection when zMUD is mimimized now occurs in background
- Removed window picklist from command line
- Added Parse button to command line
- Added %ddeopen and %ddeclose functions
- %char and %pass updated when autolog is created
- Moved clock from individual MUD window to the command line
- Added option to disable clock
- Added postfix option to #SEND command
- #KEY command now lists macros when used with no parameters
- Added option to capture commands with #C+ command
- Added dynamic tab completion: the last word beginning with each
character longer than the Tab Limit preferences is saved. Typing that character followed
by Shift-Tab expands to the last word beginning with that character displayed in the
window that was saved.
- Added %parsemode function to control Full/Brief setting from scripts
- Added option to toggle echo of commands to log file
- Added option to gag #GAGed lines to log file
(beta version) |
- #SUB command no longer messes up scrolling
- %w works properly in case sensitive triggers
- Mapper no longer accessed when it is closed (fixes access violations,
and prevents mapper from adding rooms when it is closed).
- Exits now matched properly when using a Room Trigger
- Reverse video attribute added
- Added vt320 25th status line support
- Responds to terminal type inquiry as a basic vt100
- Handles vt100 cursor movement commands (and cursor save/restore
- Handles vt100 scrolling region (probably buggy because this is
*really* tricky)
- Generally absorbs (does nothing) with other vt100/320 control
(Oct-96) |
- Toggling the enable flag for special characters no longer overrides
with defaults
- #session command no longer corrupts MUDCHAR.DAT file
- 004AEC22 access violation in mapper fixed
- Diagonal directions now work in #LMAP
- Stick pin buttons do not cause tabs to replicate in Speedwalk and
Mapper dialogs
- 9 and 3 keypad no longer does PgUp/PgDn when screen is split
- Changing the speedwalk character now works properly and converts your
old paths to the new character
- Changing the variable character now properly converts your old
- Word wrap in scrollback now works properly
- Sound directory now properly used in #PLAY command
- Using patterns such as [#] now work
- #SHOW commands now expands variables independant of expand variables
- Message about "cannot give focus to invisible window" now
- %walk function now allows room numbers
- Added %roomnum and %zonenum functions
- Added some protection against cracking. Crack zMUD at your own
4.21 |
- Lines that were GAGged messed up the new scrolling routines
- Fonts with wider bold characters not displayed properly
- Scrollbar sometimes overwritten and messed up
- Saying No to Do Not Enter caused crash
- Speedwalking on map doesn't work when Direction codes redefined
- Fixed parsing problem in Large MUD Connector list
- Saved split-scroll position in settings
- Saved map mode (Explore,Track,etc) in settings
- Allow Exit string in Prompt
- Updated Help file
- Added functions for accessing map data: %roomname, %roomdesc,
%roomexit, %roomobj, %roommob, %roomcom, %roomportal, %roomkind, %roomflag, %roomid,
%roomlink, %roomnote, %numrooms, %numzones, %zonename, %walk
- Added command #LMAP for looping through map paths
4.2a |
- Fixed the problem that caused immediate crashes on Win NT
4.2 |
- ? pattern for triggers was not matching 0 characters
- % wildcards for triggers were matching 0 characters
- several GPFs when zMUD exited were found and fixed
- lag when scrollback buffer got large fixed
- F1 now properly brnigs up command wizard
- Changes to memory settings now take effect right away
- Paths no longer messed up when Reverse is used
- Fixed several GPFs when using Empty command
- Fixed GPF when speedwalking to Do Not Enter rooms in mapper
- Use Full Parsing flag now saved properly
- Automapper can now be closed and will not reopen automatically when
zMUD is run again
- Fixed Delete and Backspace in Command Editor
- Fixed problem with %delitem leaving vertical bar at beginning of
- Added split-screen scrollback buffer
- Speeded up scrolling by factor of 4
- Lookup timeouts now changeable in Connection tab of General settings
- Triggers can now be set to trigger on Newline, trigger on Prompt, or
- Triggers can now be disabled when loaded
- Triggers can now be case sensitive or case insensitive (default for
all old triggers)
- Fly/Swim modes added to mapper Mode menu and now used by speedwalk to
avoid the proper rooms
- Added teleport portals to each room (non-standard exits)
- Exit triggers for Full/Brief/Look are now seperate, along with exit
type (word/character)
- The gagging of lines containing your password can now be disabled in
General Settings
4.13 |
- Entering room with reload flag set does not update description
- Map loading, saving, recomputing, and editing speeded up dramatically
- Fixed problem when adding a line to the map (other lines were being
added extraneously)
- Commands sent when room is entered are now properly sent at the right
time when speedwalking (useful for opening doors, etc)
- If line segment was selected and edit panel was opened, a room was
shown instead
- Mapper didn't work unless at least one trigger was defined
- Room now matched is only description is stored in database (for
4.12 |
- Fixed problem that prevented Registration Codes from being entered
properly (ack!)
4.11 |
Dialogs redone with small fonts to prevent some text from getting cut
off in some dialog boxes
Quotes stripped from strings used with the #SAY command
Tab order on registration screen fixed
Problem with stuck Brief mode in mapper fixed...maps will be fixed
when they are loaded.
The above fix also fixes the mob and object colors which were not
Clicking OK in Speedwalk dialog properly saves path
When you open a blank preferences dialog (like Aliases, Triggers,
etc), the New function is automatically activated
Pressing ESC no longer gives access violation
Registrations codes are scrambled in INI file
MUD Connector (small file) now loads in 16-bit version
All commands added to Help file
All Help buttons now properly link to the correct help topic
All functions are in the help file
(Initial Shareware version) (Aug-96) |
- Fix message when looking up IP address of an IP address
- Allow deletion of Special Characters
- Multiple "floating point" errors in Character database
(invalid time fields?)
- Check sound directory (and other directory settings)
- "unable to make window modal" for Reconnect dialog
- When you abort Slow walk, the Stop Walk button stays in dialog
- Check button and menu functions in Command Editor
- #REVERSE stores reversed path instead of being temporary
- Paths sometimes get deleted
- Access violation related to DDE functions
- Bug in Brief/Full and Word/Character exits
- Parse map after gag processing to avoid gagged text
- Going up a level doesn't always refresh map
- Its not waiting for match of room name in speedwalk
- Check IsConnected flag before mapping
- Check for undefined portals
- Check portals to same level
- Double-click on a room displays it as a portal??
- Right-click on a line segment messes up display
- Water/normal gets drawn wrong
- Portals don't work in track mode?
- Make starting a new Master Map easier
- Save map doesn't update master zone list (on quit)
- Do not create portals for undefined room exits
- Store entire description, not just 256 chars
- Portals do not move with other rooms
- Do not execute path if map is off
- Check speedwalking through one-way links
- Deleting a line doesn't remove links from corresponding rooms
- Shareware
- Registration program
- License dialog form
- Links to SSL registration page
- Registration codes from Kagi
- Interface mudlist to MUD Connector
- provide ability to display MUD description.
- update mudlist from Connector via a command
- Allow disable of autoconnect feature
- Test zMUD as a Netscape Telnet helper app
- Show old characters in database in red
- Add #URL command
- Make URLs in About box and registration box active (call web
- Auto-unfreeze when scrollbar dragged to bottom
- Support %1 syntax (tintin syntax) in trigger patterns
- Add separate parse table for LOOK command
- Need multiple "ignore" triggers
- Add Move Up and Move Down functions
- Allow insertion of new level
- Allow renumbering of levels
- Add #LOOK command
- Add #FIND command
- Add nicknames for rooms
- Add speedwalk for nicknames
- Add icons to rooms to indicate mobs and objects
- Warn when overwriting exiting map files
- Fix the active "zone name" field (causes accidental
- Check #MAP command to allow mapping while following group
- Warnings for entering "do not enter" rooms
- Add display of room number
- Compile 16-bit version of automapper
- Add command line to be executed when room is entered
- Automatically add a <skip> to beginning of each parse table
- Handle dark rooms
- When new room is created, use "room type" from previous
- Set start location in master map (also for recall)
- Auto-release erase/add buttons unless Shift key held during mouse
- Allow left click to select rooms also (right click centers map, left
click doesn't)
- Don't alter actual map location when left/right clicking (add Set
Location command)
- Allow adding lines anywhere on map
- Add RECALL function to mapper
- Display one-way links
- Mini-map window (without buttons etc) as a mode
- Add TELEPORT command
- Tips were deleted! They are no longer used (they were just annoying)
4.01 (based
upon 3.61) |
- Improved mapper parse table user interface
- Added Zone functions to mapper
(based upon 3.61) |
- Initial Automapper module