I don't remember much of my earlier life.
Most of what I know was told to me by my life companion Aurora.
Here is her story of how she found me...

First Contact
Hi! My
name is Aurora. We may have meet on one of my many adventures --
I get around. In case you don't know me, I am a human, female,
paladin. I spend most of my time on honorable quests throughout
the realms of the universe. One quest stands out in my mind. It
was the quest on which I first met Zugg.
One day,
many years ago, I was travelling alone through a realm called
Branland of the Elvro Empire. I had never been through this area
before and was looking for some lodging and employment. Some
locals directed me to the castle of King Glomka, who was said to
be looking for a brave adventurer such as myself. Following the
river of gold through the Al-Holb mountains, I finally came upon
the village of Rosenbury, constructed outside the royal castle.
After securing a room for the week, I crossed the moat and
entered the castle to visit with the king.
The King
was very distraut. It seemed that his court mystic, Gondar, has
taken off in search of Grameel, an evil sorceror that has taken
up residence in the ancient caverns of Mount Normit. The King
offered a reward of 20 million gold for the return of Gondar, who
had been missing for more than a week.
Well, I
won't bore you with the details of what followed. After rallying
a party at the local pub, we started our trek through Mount
Normit. What we didn't know was that Grameel had turned Prince
Zorton to his side. Our unfounded trust in Zorton lead us to be
imprisoned in the Dungeon of Horrors, located in the catacombs
beneath the royal castle.
several days in the Dungeon, and nearing death, we were finally
rescued by the galant Knight Sir Rossi. In our escape from the
Dungeon, however, we became lost. We finally came upon Laplos,
the Keeper of the Dungeon.
was a disgusting man. This brute stood about seven feet tall,
weighing about 300 pounds. He was all muscle and took pride in
torturing the prisoners and criminals of the Dungeon. You could
smell him coming from miles away. The worst part about him was
that he enjoyed his job of torturing. However, we discovered
another being even more disturbing...
You see,
Laplos also had a...well...a pet would be the best word for it:
Zugg the Thing. I've never seen a creature like this before in my
life. At the time I didn't even know if Zugg was a he. Zugg was
only about four feet tall, and shaped somewhat like a ball. He
was covered with a thick gray fur, covering a skin tougher than
steel. He has long, powerful arms, longer than his body is tall.
Thus, his arms often drag along the floor as he walks. He has
short but wide, stubby legs that are also powerful. Because of
his unusual shape, Zugg tends to jump, using his strong arms,
much like a gorilla.
his spherical body is a short head, supported by a non-existent
neck. His head just seems molded to his body, covered with the
same gray hair. He has a large mouth, large enough to swallow
practically anything he wants to (although I found out later that
it gives him a wonderfully broad smile). He has small, beady
eyes, buried behind more fur, making it hard for him to see.
However, he has a well-developed sixth sense. This sixth sense,
combined with his strong arms and legs actually make him quite
dexterous. His ears are pointed and stick straight up on the
sides of his head.
wasn't very intelligent when we meet. If fact, he couldn't talk,
only grunt in a code only understood by Laplos. As I said, Zugg
seemed most like an odd pet that Laplos had found somewhere deep
in the ancient tunnels of the Dungeon. Laplos never said...he
never had a chance.
You see,
in our escape from the Dungeon, we weren't too interested in
being tortured, so we kind of had to kill Laplos. Don't feel
sorry for him...he wasn't worth it. Anyway, after dispatching
this vile man, Zugg hopped over to us and stared at the corpse on
the floor with his beady eyes. We were prepared for anything and
came close to dispatching Zugg as well. However, when Zugg looked
up from the corpse and stared into my eyes, I felt a strange
sensation. Almost an attraction. At the time, given the looks and
smell of Zugg, this thought would have caused most people to lose
their lunch. Perhaps it was Zugg's sixth sense in touch with my
own. For whatever reason, I lowered my halberd and smiled. Zugg
grunted. He started hopping away, waiting for us now and then so
that we would follow him.
lead us through a dark and twisting maze of passages, finally
emerging behind a waterfall deep in the heart of the mountains.
As we exited the Dungeon, we expected Zugg to stay behind, but he
started to follow us. In fact, he was very persistent. All
attempts to leave him behind were futile. When it came time to
split up and go our seperate ways again, Zugg stayed with me, and
has been with me ever since...well, almost.
Oh yes,
in case you were wondering, we did finally find Gondar and
Grameel. The evil prince was killed, Gondar was restored to the
King, and Grameel was never seen again. After a fierce magical
battle between Gondar and Grameel, Grameel simply disappeared.
Zugg was quite a help during this quest, proving to be an
accomplished fighter. Zugg and I have served each other well over
the years on many, many adventures.

Zugg Today
That's a
synopsis of a journal that Aurora left me. After rescuing me from
the Dungeon of Horrors, she took me with her on her adventures,
and over the years she civilized me. She taught me how to talk,
write, and read. Today I can pass myself off as a dwarf to most
people. The body shape and hairstyles aren't that different. We
lived like brother and sister for many years, and had many more
fun adventures.
happened next is difficult to write about. We were near the end
of one of our quests and were battling another evil sorceror
(isn't that always the case?). Aurora and I were both badly
injured. Our friend Morlock was with us, and was using his
magical skills to battle the evil Heron. I was almost unconcious
when I witnessed the most terrible sight I have ever known. After
a flash of mystic energy when it looked like we would finally
defeat Heron, he simply dissappeared! Just like what had happened
with Grameel those many years before. However, the most terrible
was yet to follow. An instant after Heron disappeared, Aurora
disappeared as well. Morlock and I were left alone in the
darkness and the howling wind. My life long companion was gone.
managed to get us back to town and we eventually recovered from
our battle. However, the scar on my heart was too much too bear.
I left Morlock and began wandering the realms on my own, in
constant search for Aurora.
then I have had my own share of adventures. And yes, I have even
loved a few others. However, I still hold a special place in my
heart for Aurora. I am reconciled to the fact that I will
probably never see her again. However, there is still hope, and I
still wander.
searches have brought me in contact with many interesting places.
I ran into an interesting group known as the Smoke Jaguars in a
realm called Dark Castle. This place truely was dark, and I
barely made my escape before the raving hordes were able to kill
me. I next travelled to a place called Highlands. This was a much
friendlier realm, so it seemed. It was only when I tried to join
a local guild called the Troops of Doom that I discovered the
band of assassins that prey on unsuspecting guild members. Upon
leaving this guild, I was able to relax a bit, but the experience
served to dampen my spirits for this place.
my search has brought me to a realm known as Mirkwood. This is a
very interesting area, unlike any other I have encountered. So
far it seems to be the most friendly and peaceful of the bunch.
I'll have to spend more time uncovering the secrets of this
place. Until I can find out what happened to Aurora that night
long ago, I think I'll be staying here for a while.
tuned...I'll keep you up to date on my adventures.
Ok, well, that was cool. But what is the
real story?