Syntax: #AB [flag]

Aborts further parsing of the current command line. Commands after this on the same line are discarded. Aborts processing of current program block.

If the flag is present and non-zero, the entire script is aborted instead of just the current program block.

ABORT example

get all corpse;#ABORT;split
OK, this is somewhat contrived, but the command ‘get all corpse’ is sent, then the #ABORT stops further processing so that the ‘split’ command is ignored.
#IF (@Name="Zugg") {Command 1;#abort;Command 2};Command 3
Another contrived example. In this one, Command 3 is always executed. If @Name is "Zugg" then Command 1 is executed. Command 2 is never executed.
#IF (@Name="Zugg") {Command 1;#abort 1;Command 2};Command 3
Another contrived example. In this one if @Name is "Zugg" then Command 1 is executed...both Command 2 and Command 3 are aborted since the flag to #abort is non-zero. Command 3 is executed if @Name is not "Zugg".

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