Trigger Command Options

Syntax: list format


Options for triggers are given in the list format. Only one option from the category Type can be used. Expansion is preformed on options during trigger creation, so variables may be used.

Type Category for detailed descriptions see: Trigger Types
exp            expression trigger (expression is tested whenever a variable is changed)
alarm            alarm trigger (can not be used effectively with #COND, see #ALARM)
input            command input trigger
skip            skip next N lines then match pattern
wait            wait N milliseconds then match pattern
looppat      match pattern N times (only stops matching when used in
                 multistate trigger)
looplines      match pattern over N lines (only stops matching when used in
                 multistate trigger)
loopexp      repeat while expression is true up to N times (expression is tested whenever a line is received)
dur                  match trigger during N milliseconds
manual            manual state uses
#SET script to fire and advance
within            match trigger within N lines
mxp            MXP trigger
regex            A unix regular expression
reparse      execute new trigger pattern on same line as before
                 (only usable with #COND)
gsl                  gsl trigger, pattern should be the gsl character code for the tag
mcp            mcp trigger

Other Category for detailed description see: Trigger Options Tab
prompt            trigger fires on a prompt
notrig            turns off trigger on trigger
nocr            trigger does not fire on newline
case            trigger is case sensitive
verbatim      trigger matches text exactly, normal wildcards and special characters are not interpretted as such
color            trigger matches and captures ansi codes
line                  trigger matches specific line color, format is line=##, ## can be
                 calculated as described in
param            for those types that take a parameter, format is param=##
disable            disables trigger at startup

#TRIGGER {example} {} "" {skip|param=1|nocr|prompt|case|verbatim|color|line=1929}

Contents Trigger Options Trigger Testing