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 Settings Editor 

The settings editor is a single dialog that allows you to edit all of the settings associated with your current MUD character. zMUD settings are defined as objects that can be assigned to a class. Options that can only have single values are called Preferences and are modified in the Preferences dialog.

Settings consist of objects such as aliases, triggers, macros, buttons, etc. Each object is assigned to a class folder (or to the default class of <none>). Classes of objects can be enabled or disabled with the #T+ and #T- commands. You can display a list of classes and their current state (on or off) using the #CLASS command. Classes work for settings like folders (subdirectories) work for files. You can also have one class folder within another class folder. Use class folders to organize your settings into common categories.


The Settings Editor consists of a toolbar across the top with buttons for displaying certain setting types (like Aliases, Triggers, etc). Only the most common setting types are shown. You can access *all* of the settings types using the Show menu. For example, to display Buttons, you must select Buttons from the Show menu. To display more than one kind of setting at a time, hold down the Shift or Ctrl button on the keyboard as you click the toolbar button or as you select the menu item from the Show menu.

Click the hotspot on the left edge of the settings list to display or hide the Class Tree view. This shows the hierarchy of your class folders. Double-clicking a folder in this tree view will display the settings within the class on the right. A single class folder can contain multiple object types. For example, the Automapper class can also contain aliases, or macros, etc.

To edit one of your settings, select the specific setting you want to edit from the lower-left list by clicking on it, then click the Edit button. Or, just double-click the setting. The details of the setting will be shown in the Editor window. The information that you can edit is different depending upon the object type. For example, selecting a macro will allow you to change the macro properties, selecting a trigger allows you to change the trigger properties, etc. You can dock the Editor window to the bottom or right side of the settings display if you always want it open.

For information on specific properties, select the type of object you are editing:

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