These screen shots are from zMUD v7.1x
Main Character Selection Window
This window is displayed when you run zMUD and allows you to select
an existing MUD character to run, or to edit your characters or add new ones.
Icons that are dim indicate characters that have not been used in several
days. This is a warning for MUDs that might delete inactive characters
after a period of time. The icons for each character can be changed or
imported from custom artwork. To connect to one of your MUD characters,
simply double-click on an icon, or press <Enter>!
Typical MUD session
This shot shows zMUD in action. Taken while logged into the
MUD Realms of Despair, it shows the main zMUD menu bar along the top with the toolbar and
window selection tabs. Below that is a window called "Tell" which is a
custom window created by a #CAPTURE trigger in this session to capture particular lines of
text from the MUD. Another window called "Group" is docked in
the same region as the Tell window. Any number of windows can be docked
together. Below the Tell window is the
main output window for the MUD. Below that is the status bar for the window, the
command line for sending commands to the MUD. The
other window that is displayed on top to the right is the Automapper window which shows a
map of the current MUD zone. The automapper is docked horizontally with
the Tell window, and the main MUD window is docked vertically beneath the other
windows. The entire set of docked windows can be moved and resized just
like a normal application window. Split-bars between the individual panels
can be dragged to resize the panels. The global set of window tabs just
below the main toolbar can be used to quickly bring the indicated window to the
front of the screen no matter where it is docked. The windows tabs can be
hidden. The main toolbar can be hidden, or set to just display icons or
just display text. The main menu and the buttons on the main toolbar can
all be customized.
Settings Editor Window
This window shows the Settings Editor used to add, edit and control
your character settings such as Aliases, Triggers, Speedwalking Paths, Keyboard Macros,
custom Buttons, etc. A color-coded syntax editor shows you at a glance
what variables you are using, or which words are zMUD command keywords.
Variable references are hyperlinked and mouse-over tips will instantly show you
the current value of a variable being used in a script. Class folders can
be nested, and individual class folders or settings can be enabled, disabled, or
Automapper Window
This window shows the Automapper. A simple configuration wizard steps
you through the process of teaching the mapper about the MUD you are
playing. Once it has been taught, the mapper will create a map of the MUD
as you walk around. You can then double-click on a destination in the map
to automatically speedwalk to that room. The mapper can easily handle
multiple levels, and will show the level above and level below the current level
at the same time. The mapper is fully accessible from the zMUD scripting
language. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations. zMUD is still the
only MUD client with an automapper that actually works on most *all* MUDs.
It does not require any special codes sent by the MUD.
Database Window
zMUD includes a database module for keeping track of your equipment,
characters, monsters, etc. The database is fully accessible from the zMUD
scripting language. New databases can be created from scratch, or based on
existing templates. Many different field types are supported, including
fields to tie the database to the automapper room location. User-defined
views can be created, and the database can be easily queried with a visual query
builder. You normally only find this kind of sophisticated database in
stand alone programs!