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 Michael E. Potter  


  • Lead technological innovation in a successful organization that thrives on change, values enthusiasm, and is committed to continuous improvement.


Owner, Programmer

  • September 1996 - present
    Zugg Software, Colorado Springs, CO
    Developed zMUD: a MUD client for PC/Windows (WinSock) using Delphi. A model of Very-Rapid Application Development across the Internet with strong customer involvement. Has become the standard client by which all others are measured. Formed the company Zugg Software to distribute zMUD and develop other Internet software.

Group Leader

  • May 1994 - September 1997
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
    Led the Laboratory Desktop Group of 100 computer support professionals. Also acted as Chief Technology Officer for desktop technology, and led the Office Automation project utilizing Lotus Notes.


System Administrator

  • June 1990 - July 1993
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
    anaged a heterogenous network of several hundred systems including: VAX/VMS, Ultrix, SunOS, HP-UX, PC (DOS and Windows), Macintosh. Specialized in data acquisition systems, and member of the
    Data Analysis Center support staff, responsible for a cluster of Digital mainframes.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Astrophysics

  • October 1987- June 1990
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
    esearch in ultra-high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics as part of the CYGNUS collaboration.

Other Experience

Internet Programmer

  • zMUD
    MUD client for PC/Windows (WinSock) developed using Delphi. A model of Very-Rapid Application Development across the Internet with strong customer involvement. Has become the standard client by which all others are measured.

    atch EDitor and Librarian for MIDI devices under DOS. Developed using Object Pascal. Available on Compuserve.

Programming Languages

  • 15 yrs of Pascal experience, most recently with DELPHI. Also versed in Lotus NOTES, PERL, C, FORTRAN, BASIC, MS Access.

Other Skills

  • Strong written and verbal communication and presentation skills, desktop publishing, graphic arts.

Educational Background

Ph.D., Physics

B.S, Information and Computer Science


  • Skiing, golf, movies, reading, music, MUD playing, programming, and practically anything related to computers and technology.

Contact Information

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Principles and Values

Honor, Integrity, Enthusiasm

If people are happy with what they are doing, they will excel, and customer satisfaction will go through the roof.

Focus on what your customer wants, not what you can deliver.
he most effective strategy is that of Very-Rapid Application Development. Using the Internet as a distribution mechanism, and means for collecting customer feedback, produce a product quickly, with very short turnaround of new versions and updates. Allow the customer to drive features and product direction as the application develops through an integrated feedback mechanism.

Desktop Group Leader

Accepted a leadership position after a major Laboratory reorganization brought the various pieces of desktop computer support into a new group within the Computing, Information, and Communications (CIC) Division. Developed the vision and strategy of the group in collaboration with group members. Flattened the management structure and shifted towards a self-directed work team model, becoming the showcase for the Division. Embarked on desktop technology development in the areas of groupware, hypermedia, computer security, electronic software distribution, and remote system management for the Laboratory. Developed and managed an $8M annual budget, supported and mentored a staff of 80-100 system administrators, and participated actively in the CIC Division leadership team.

LANL Webmaster

Designed and developed the central Laboratory Gopher server. Evolved this service into the central LANL Web service. Developed software to integrate the Web and Gopher services. Developed the Laboratory searchable phone book system using PERL. Formed the Laboratory Internet Information Services User Group and educated users across the Laboratory on Internet and Web technology.

(refereed journals)

  • Daily search for emission of ultra-high-energy radiation from point sources, D.E. Alexandreas, et. al., Astro Jour., 405, p. 353, 1-Mar-1993.
  • Study of electron-neutrino--electron elastic scattering at LAMPF, R.C. Allen, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 47, p. 11, 1-Jan-1993.
  • Experimental study of neutrino absorption on carbon, D.A. Krakauer, et. al., Phys. Rev. C, 45, p. 2450, May 1992.
  • Limit on flavor-changing neutral currents from a measurement of neutrino-electron elastic scattering, D.A. Krakauer, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 45, 975, 1-Feb-1992.
  • The CYGNUS extensive air-shower experiment, D.E. Alexandreas, et. al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, 311, p. 350, 1-Jan-1992.
  • Use of a neutrino detector for muon identification by the CYGNUS air-shower array, R.C. Allen, et. al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, 311, p. 368, 1-Jan-1992.
  • A search of the northern sky for ultra-high-energy point sources, D.E. Alexandreas, et. al., Astro. Jour., 383, p. L53, 20-Dec-1991.
  • Search for the exotic decay {mu}{sup +} {yields} e{sup +} anti {nu}{sub e} {nu}{sub {mu}}, D.A. Krakauer, Phys. Lett. B, 263, p. 534, 18-Jul-1991.
  • Direct experimental lower bound on the radiative lifetime of the muon neutrino, D.A. Krakauer, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 44, p. R6, 1-Jul-1991.
  • Observation of shadowing of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays by the Moon and the Sun, D.E. Alexandreas, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 43, p. 1725, 1-Mar-1991.
  • Experimental bound on the charge radius of the electron neutrino, R.C. Allen, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 43, p. R1, 1-Jan-1991.
  • Limits on the neutrino magnetic moment from a measurement of neutrino-electron elastic scattering, D.A. Krakauer, et. al., Phys. Lett. B, 252, p. 177, 6-Dec-1990.
  • Study of Cygnus X-3 at ultrahigh energies during the 1989 radio outbursts, D.E. Alexandreas, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, p. 2973, 18-Jun-1990.
  • Monte Carlo simulation of neutrino production by medium-energy protons in a beam stop, R.L. Burman, E.S. Smith, M.E. Potter, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, 291, p. 621, 1-Jun-1990.
  • Measurement of the exclusive cross section {sup 12}C({nu}{sub {ital e}},{ital e}{sup {minus}}){sup 12}N(g.s.), R.C. Allen, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, p. 1871, 16-Apr-1990.
  • Measurement of interference between {ital W} and {ital Z} exchange in electron-neutrino electron scattering, R.C. Allen, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, p. 1330, 19-Mar-1990.
  • Limit on possible energy-dependent velocities for massless particles, T.J. Haines, et. al., Phys. Rev. D, 41, 692, 15-Jan-1990.
  • A measurement of the neutrino flux from a stopped-pion source, R.L. Burman, et. al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, 284, p. 347, 1989.
  • Ultrahigh-energy pulsed emission from hercules x-1 with anomalous air-shower muon production, R.L. Dingus, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, p. 1906, 24-Oct-1988.
  • A detector system for the study of intermediate energy neutrino interactions, R.C. Allen, et., al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, 269, p. 177, 1988.

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